VAMED Mediterra: The Main Partner of LIFMAT 2023 Conference

VAMED Mediterra, a leading provider of high-quality healthcare services in over 70 countries worldwide, is proud to be the main partner of the prestigious LIFMAT 2023 conference. Our mutual partnership has been ongoing for the second year, and we highly value it.


As part of the renowned VAMED group, VAMED Mediterra specializes in comprehensive management of healthcare and spa facilities. We have a team of top experts and extensive international experience. The healthcare facilities under VAMED have recently received several prestigious awards, including the title of "Best Hospital of the Region as Perceived by Patients" and the "ČEKIA Stability Award" for financial stability.

Zdravotnická zařízení spadající pod VAMED získala v nedávné době několik prestižních ocenění, včetně titulu "Nejlepší nemocnice kraje očima pacientů" a ocenění za finanční stabilitu s názvem "ČEKIA Stability Award".


The LIFMAT organizing committee highly appreciates this stable and long-term cooperation, which contributes to shaping and creating unique and innovative content for each edition of the LIFMAT conference. We eagerly anticipate the outcomes of this collaboration in this year's edition and warmly invite you to participate!

The conference will take place at

24. - 25.10. 2023 Cubex Centrum Praha spol. s r. o. Na Strži 2097/63 140 00 Praha 4-Nusle Contact details Lifmat 2023 Petra Roubíková LIFMAT Event manager +420 725 901 779 MagicWare, s.r.o. Budova Nejvyššího Kontrolního Úřadu Jankovcova 1518/2 170 00 Praha 7, Holešovice